Just like all of you, we made it through the wild, weird year of 2020 with lots of modifications to our “normal.” We settled in Houston in February, and will likely be here until the end of 2021 as we ride out the pandemic. With Loren’s compromised immune system and health history, we had to be especially careful. Despite all the changes, 2020 had its sweet moments and plenty of reasons to thank God.
Family Time
Ministry, Expanded
Digital. Virtual.
We’re so thankful that technology allowed us continue our training ministry with dear ones near and far. Jack continues serving in ministry full-time with United World Mission. His work this year was filled intentional conversations on Zoom with pastors and leaders in 20+ countries across the world. He also served as a Translation Editor for unfoldingWord.org and a Curriculum Writer for BiblicalTraining.org. His ministry in these areas will continue throughout 2021, at which point will be looking for the right opportunity to move back overseas.
Micah & Teddy
Their friendship blossomed in 2020!
Like many of you, we found it tough initially to establish rhythms during quarantine, but Micah (5) and Teddy (3) learned to play together and enjoy one another. Their relationship truly blossomed this year. In the fall, Micah began Kindergarten at Trinity Classical School in Houston. She was in-person at school 2 days a week, and 2 days a week Loren taught her at home using the school’s curriculum. Praise God for their good health and growth!
Virtual Church
During quarantine, we led a small virtual gathering each Sunday morning, and a weekday Bible study this fall. Each week with our virtual small groups we read and study the Scriptures together, discuss how we can apply it to our lives, and pray with one another through our challenges. Biblical community over Zoom encouraged and enriched our lives greatly during this season.
Family Vacation
Mountain-time. Adventure. Rest.
This summer we escaped to the mountains of New Mexico to rest and be restored. Activities included hiking, biking, disc golfing, and narrowly avoiding a bear!
Disciple-ship Trip
Kayaking, Training, Bonding
After negative COVID tests and quarantines all around, Jack went with a group of great guys from our home church (Grace Bible Church in Houston) on a kayaking trip for the purpose of discipleship training. While the schedule was packed with outdoor activities, the main purpose of the trip was to receive training in how to intentionally disciple others. Jack gained some new friends, successfully learned to “roll” a kayak, survived some Class 3 rapids, and left more motivated and equipped to disciple others as in Matthew 28!
We thank God for how he moved in 2020, and we look forward to how he will use our service in ministry and make himself known in our family and community in 2021. Thank you for your part in this journey with us!
We continue investing in Christian leaders resourcing them to make disciples and plant churches, in Africa and beyond. What's more, you are a part of our ministry!
Will you consider a year-end gift today?
When you partner with us, in prayer and in financial giving, you are investing in leadership development and pastor training for the Christian church across the globe. Typically, about 30% of our yearly budget comes in the form of end-of-year giving.
Please visit our Give page to read about our needs or click here to make a donation.