This has been a full year for us in the Messarra household! Here are pictures from some of our highlights:
Judah Cole was born on June 17, and it has been a rollercoaster ride ever since!
Like many of you, Jack had A LOT of Zoom calls! Read more about Jack’s role training future Pauls and Timothys here. Jose and Ashish are examples of Paul-like missionary-trainers who have dedicated decades of ministry towards training pastors. Read more about Ashish here and Jose here.
In November, many UWM leaders gathered together in Colorado Springs. It was so great to gather in person, reconnect with old friends and make new ones!
In late July, in our first outing as a family of five, we got in a bad car accident and totaled our van. But, God protected us from life-altering injuries. We all got to ride in an ambulance together too, which Teddy loved!
The car wreck sparked many great conversations about how we can rely on God to protect us and care for us, even when we make mistakes, even when we don’t know the way.
The GBC Daddy-Daughter date is always a highlight for Micah Mae and Jack
We cheered for the Astros often and even got to go to a couple of games.
In 2022, we plan to continue developing trainers and leading trainings for Pauls and Timothys around the world. We would love for you to join us in providing on-the-job training just-in-time for missionaries and pastors across the Majority World. Please consider a tax-deductible, end-of-year gift to help us!