Jack’s ministry continues to focus on the profound need for pastor training, especially in the Global South. For the last three years, Jack’s primary project has been working with UWM's global training team to establish and assemble RTHs. Below is some material from UWM to help flesh out the RTH vision, concept, and strategy.
The Problem We Confront
Into a broken world, God sends his church to embody Jesus’ love for every person. The Spirit nurtures the church’s health and growth through biblically equipped, spiritually formed leaders. Without them, the church is weak and vulnerable. Meeting the deepest needs of the world begins with meeting the deepest needs of the global Church.
Regional Training Hub Teams
Regional Training Hubs are lead by respected national leaders with a deep knowledge of the context and broad range of connections with training ministries in the region. RTH leaders bring together diverse teams of missionaries, partner organizations and local trainers to respond to the training needs in their regions.
RTH Objectives
RTHs are seeking to increase the quality of trainings offered, the breadth of the trainings offered, and the depth of those trainings. The goal is to equip and empower local leaders to respond to the pastor-training needs in their regions.
RTH Locations
UWM has active RTHs in West Africa and Latin America, with East Africa and South Asia launching soon. Future RTHs are planned for Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and possibly in the Middle East.
This blueprint uses the metaphor of Church as Building to depict the different kinds of roles played by scholars, pastors, and leaders in supporting a healthy church community. A strong house, like a healthy church, needs a variety of people serving in a various roles with different gifting. And, the training needed to equip them for those roles will also be varied. RTHs take a holistic view of training, looking to equip all God’s people.
The RTH team for Latin America. Robert (center) is the hub leader. Samuel (left) is the church planting lead and Marta (right) is a partnership coordinator. Jack really enjoyed his time with them in Colombia in October.
Jack with Rev. Dr. Prof. John Jusu, or “JJ” as we affectionately call him. JJ is the hub leader for East Africa and lives in Kenya.