God is calling us to serve Him in Kenya this summer!
We’ve been working on this behind the scenes for the past few months, and we are so excited to finally share with you how God has been leading us.
KBTC graduation ceremony from a few years ago.
What will we be doing?
Jack will be teaching pastors and church planters at the Kenya Baptist Theological College.
The KBTC is a small seminary (~30 students) situated on a farm about an hour outside Nairobi.
We will mentor and disciple seminary students and invite them into our family life.
We will live on campus and aim to make the guest housing for foreign professors more comfortable.
We’ll seek to encourage and invest in a couple of key local churches that have a relationship with the KBTC.
They have also asked us to train the faculty on technology resources, particularly with online courses.
And, we want to help update the library with new resources and books.
Why are We Doing This?
Our relationship with the KBTC stretches back to 2007. (Jack and Loren’s first missions trip together was at the KBTC!)
The KBTC is home to students and professors who are passionate about the gospel. It has struggled with financial and personnel challenges.
The KBTC finds itself in season of needing new life and encouragement breathed into its kingdom work. We believe God is at work there and sense the Spirit leading us to lend our presence, time, and skills.
There’s a new president, Joseph, whom we believe God has given vision, a heart of integrity, and a passion to raise up leaders for the local church. We’re looking to support, encourage, and come along beside him!
Africa continues to have a special place in our heart!
We’re excited about an opportunity for our family to be in an unfamiliar place and minister overseas together again. We believe God has something special prepared for each one of us.
Jack with Rev. Dr. Joseph Kamau, the KBTC Principal, in November.
How Does This Fit With Our Ministry Vision?
Our focus remains on strengthening the church around the world through teaching, strategic planning, and relational presence/support.
We are called as a family to be engaged in cross-cultural ministry.
UWM is deploying us to Kenya to focus on developing the KBTC, its students, and staff. Our current projects with UWM will continue part-time from there, and continue when we return to Houston in August.
Furthermore, Kenya is the location for UWM's regional training hub in the region, meaning our efforts will enhance what is already at work. We're excited to join them on the ground
And, UWM is encouraging us to hone our skills in teaching and training, especially cross-culturally. So, teaching in Kenya this summer fits with all of these things!
Jack with Rev. Dr. John Jusu (or “JJ” as we affectionately call him). JJ is the RTH leader for East Africa.
How Can You Join Us?
Pray! There is much for us to do and prepare.
Most importantly, pray that God instills in our children’s hearts a desire to join him in His mission!
Provide needed supplies
We’re hoping to bring trunk loads of books to improve the KBTC library. You can find the Amazon wish list for that here.
Our family needs some gear and items we’ll need to bring with us. Limuru is one of the coldest places in Africa! You can find our family wish list for Kenya items here
Donate here with a comment of “books” to contribute to the partial container Christian Book Distributors (our partner) is sending to KBTC this summer.
Continue your generous support! Your end-of-year gifts and regular support have allowed us to say yes to this opportunity.
We are SO thankful for your partnership in the gospel. We can’t wait to see what God does through us together in Africa!