A few weeks ago, in the middle of one of the busiest times of our year (during our Summit program), an unexpected opportunity fell into our laps. This opportunity proved to be ordained. Through some of our partners (and a fellow former Stellenbosch University postgraduate student) we were asked to do some training for some Nigerian pastors. 8 Senior ministry leaders from the across the country convened in Cape Town as part of their Doctor of Ministry studies.
JETS Group along with some EM residents, interns and staff
East Mountain was invited to share with them about what we do and how we do it as well as offer some training workshops for them on leadership and missions. These seasoned pastors are studying things like how to evangelize among Boko Haram, how to protect communities from threats like Boko Haram, how to work care for people ravaged by violent conflict, methods of discipleship fit for rural Nigeria, and how to effectively train elders and deacons in their churches.
For the morning session, Rodney and Jack led them through a study on the biblical motif of leader as an under shepherd of the Good Shepherd. We were all encouraged by the testimony of the Scriptures of kind and comforting rod and staff of our Good Shepherd. Likewise we were challenged by the calling to be under-shepherds who are likewise gentle and caring.
In the afternoon, Chris taught on the Gospel and Worldview, discussing topics like contextualization, evangelism, missions, and outreach.
In the evening our guests joined us for an East Mountain community braai (a.k.a. cookout/BBQ hangout) complete with fellowship, sharing a meal together, singing, reading the Bible, and praying together. The time proved fruitful and there was much mutual encouragement.